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Crystal Salt

Why Go Natural?

Olives on Wood Background
Natural Skin Care Product
Coconut Treats

Reasons to use Natural Products


Our skin is the largest organ of our body, our overall health greatly depends on how we take care of it.

The problem we are facing here is that the great majority of us don’t realize that our skin is incredibly absorbent and porous.





We do not think twice before applying toxic chemicals from factory-manufactured soaps, lotions, and other skincare that may damage our skin. We tend to just be guided by the price and our noses we think that if we buy commercial skincare we are saving money and we ignore reading what ingredients are added to our soaps, creams, lotions, and other skin products that we use daily. The FDA considers commercial soaps as detergents according to the FDA guidelines. For one of these reasons, many people suffer from different types of skin dryness and inflammation. 

Our skin is a conductor to our body it absorbs nutrients which will also help our inside just the same way as our inside reflects our outside same thing happens. For this reason, we drink water to keep us hydrated not only inside but also outside. By using natural products we help our skin to be more radiant with a natural and healthy glow. Natural products help replenish our skin by renewing our skin cells and restoring our elasticity to make it look younger and healthier. We need to learn to love our skin and give it the good care it deserves. Say no to detergent and say YES to Natural your skin will love it!!:)  



A FDA blue square with FDA U.S food & drug administration link to share more info on skin care products differences

Want to know more about the ingredients that go into our wonderful products?



Murumuru butter is a whitish–yellowish butter extracted from the seeds of the Murumuru palm tree popularly grown in the Amazon forest in Brazil. It is comprised primarily of lauric and fatty acids. Murumuru Butter has a unique composition of essential fatty acids (Omega-6 and Omega-3), oleic acid, and Pro-Vitamin A. Deeply penetrates the skin to hydrate. It is used in lotions, leave-in conditioners, body butter, and lip balms. It is an outstanding emollient renowned for its superior moisturizing properties.


Cupuacu butter is an excellent emollient that restores elasticity to the skin while providing anti-oxidants and hydration. 6,7 It is considered a “super-moisturizer” because of its hydrophilic (water-loving) properties. As it carries water to the skin it makes skin supple, soft and more elastic.


Illipe Butter is a hard butter that contains powerful antioxidants.  Found in Southeast Asia this butter has numerous potential benefits for your skin, Illipe butter has been used for centuries to moisturize and restore skin and hair's vitality and elasticity. Containing oleic, palmitic, stearic, and linoleic Acid, also known as Vitamin F, it restores the skin’s natural barrier function in order to protect the skin is similar in composition to shea butter but has a higher melting point, making it perfect for solid and naked products. 


Cocoa butter contains a high amount of fatty acids, which makes it well-suited as a primary ingredient in skin cream. Cocoa butter has Fatty acids that help to hydrate the skin, is also rich in vitamin E  naturally antioxidant-rich, it also contains vitamin K. The fat in cocoa butter creates a protective barrier that holds in moisture and prevents your skin from drying. Cocoa butter has anti-inflammatory properties and improves the skin's natural elasticity.


Tucuma butter is an exotic butter that is derived from tucuma palm seeds. Tucuma butter is found naturally in Brazil and has a lot of characteristics in common with Murumuru butter. It can help restore your skin's natural moisture levels · It's hydrating – it can help to regenerate dehydrated skin. Tucuma is also packed with antioxidant polyphenols and contains lots of fatty acids according to my research. This makes it great for moisturizing the skin nicely. It hydrates the skin thoroughly and works to keep skin and hair soft and supple supremely moisturizing, Tucuma butter is often used to tackle dry skin and to retain the skin's natural moisture levels. Tucuma butter benefits range from nourishing and softening skin to helping to keep skin tissues protected. 


Kokum butter is derived from the fruit kernels of the kokum tree. Also known by its scientific name Garcinia Indica, this tree is found in the Western Ghats region in India. Kokum butter is a hard butter that contains nutrients and antioxidants rich in vitamin E, antioxidants that protect against environmental damage that causes discoloration and other skin issues. Kokum butter is high in essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 helping your body to sustain healthy skin cell membranes to prevent damage. It is well known for its ability to regenerate skin cells which help nourish and repair damaged, cracked skin. It moisturizes your skin by restoring both softness and elasticity and protects your skin against dehydration. It has powerful moisturizing properties and won't clog pores. It's frequently used to treat a variety of skin issues, including acne, minor inflammatory conditions, and dry skin, hair, and scalp.


Bacuri butter comes from the Brazilian Amazon Forest.

Somewhat unattractive butter, this natural butter is a dark brown that resembles both the color and consistency of fudge.

Bacuri Butter contains an exceptional amount of

 Palmitic Acid. Bacuri is a non-greasy emollience with a fast rate of absorption and its hydrating, soothing, and firming properties make it a superior moisturizer that is suited to all skin types, including sensitive and oily types. Bacuri butter absorbs into the skin very easily. It is wonderful for mature skin, scratches, burns, and also insect bites, eczema, hair care, and even scars.  It also offers some rather amazing skincare benefits after just one use and reduces inflammation and redness 

hyperpigmentation and scarring.

 Part of this is due to its high methionine content. Methionine is an essential amino acid It’s also a natural source of sulfur – an element crucial for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Due to this amino acid and its high tripalmitin (fatty acid) content, Bacuri butter can help stabilize the skin’s elastin and collagen production and promote hair and nail growth.

 Therefore Bacuri butter makes a beautiful and effective addition to scar treatments and stretches mark creamsanti-aging productshair masks, cuticle balms, body butter, and hair conditioners.


Ucuuba butter benefits were originally discovered generations ago in parts of South and Central America. This butter is Native to Central and South America,

Ucuuba Butter is said to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and as such is ideal for treating acne, eczema, and dry or irritated skin Exceptionally rich in lauric, myristic, and palmitic acid, this butter can assist in the maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Ucuuba butter is rich in vitamins A and C.


Derived from the seeds of the African shea tree, shea butter is widely used in cosmetics and lotions thanks to its moisturizing and nutrient-rich qualities. Shea butter works like an emollient. It might help soften or smooth dry skin. Shea butter also contains substances that can reduce skin swelling. This might help treat conditions associated with skin swelling such as eczema,  it also helps reduce skin discoloration and can help both fade dark spots and help prevent them from forming in the first place.


Mango butter is effective in preventing inflammation and itching caused by dry skin. It is an excellent source of triglycerides (a form of glycerin). These are fatty acids that work as emollients to soften the skin and prevent it from feeling dry and itchy. Most importantly, mango butter contains vitamin A, an antioxidant that stimulates the skin's natural renewal process.  The abundance of Vitamin E and Vitamin C in mangos may help protect your skin from environmental stressors like sunlight, pollution, and even blue light from screens. These stressors can lead to damage and premature aging.


Bacuri butter comes from the Brazilian Amazon Forest.

Somewhat unattractive butter, this natural butter is a dark brown that resembles both the color and consistency of fudge.

Bacuri Butter contains an exceptional amount of

 Palmitic Acid. Bacuri is a non-greasy emollience with a fast rate of absorption and its hydrating, soothing, and firming properties make it a superior moisturizer that is suited to all skin types, including sensitive and oily types. Bacuri butter absorbs into the skin very easily. It is wonderful for mature skin, scratches, burns, and also insect bites, eczema, hair care, and even scars.  It also offers some rather amazing skincare benefits after just one use and reduces inflammation and redness 

hyperpigmentation and scarring.

 Part of this is due to its high methionine content. Methionine is an essential amino acid It’s also a natural source of sulfur – an element crucial for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Due to this amino acid and its high tripalmitin (fatty acid) content, Bacuri butter can help stabilize the skin’s elastin and collagen production and promote hair and nail growth.

 Therefore Bacuri butter makes a beautiful and effective addition to scar treatments and stretches mark creamsanti-aging productshair masks, cuticle balms, body butter, and hair conditioners.


Ucuuba butter benefits were originally discovered generations ago in parts of South and Central America. This butter is Native to Central and South America,

Ucuuba Butter is said to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and as such is ideal for treating acne, eczema, and dry or irritated skin Exceptionally rich in lauric, myristic, and palmitic acid, this butter can assist in the maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Ucuuba butter is rich in vitamins A and C.


The beta carotene, protein, lecithin, fatty acids, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and K, folic acid, vitamin B6, and niacin found in avocado oil help moisturize and protect your skin from damaging UV rays and also increase collagen metabolism. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in avocado oil help your skin stay smooth, strong, and elastic. 

  • calm itchy skin

  • heal chapped skin

  • replenish dry skin

  • hydrate and moisturize skin

  • shield skin from ultraviolet radiation

  • protect against skin damage.


Coconut oil benefits It's antibacterial, and the lauric acid found in coconut oil gives it antimicrobial properties to kill bacteria on the skin and reduce inflammation. Coconut oil provides a protective barrier, shielding skin from environmental toxins, dirt, and other environmental pollutants you’re faced with every day. With antioxidant and phytonutrient (plant compounds) components, coconut oil for the face can help boost your nutrient factor and fight against environmental stressors that accelerate signs of aging.


Almond oil has been used for centuries to treat dry skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. Improves acne. The oil's fatty acid content may help dissolve excess oil on the skin, while the retinoids in the oil may reduce the appearance of acne and improve cell turnover. Helps reverse sun damage. Almond oil has been used for centuries to soothe the skin and treat minor wounds and cuts. It has been used in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic practices to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. More than soothing dry skin, almond oil can improve complexion and skin tone.


Olive oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and has been linked to improved skin moisturization, anti-aging effects ,and relief from sun damage. 1 Olive oil can be used on the skin on its own or as part of skincare products such as facial cleansers or lotions.


Maracuja oil offers anti-inflammatory benefits for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne. It has both antibacterial and antioxidant compounds, which can help to improve the appearance of the skin, minimize wrinkles and age spots, and even increase the elasticity of the skin.

Bee Wax

Beeswax forms a natural barrier on the skin surface, protecting skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather. Beeswax is one of the best skin-softening ingredients and enhances skin elasticity. It is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and germicidal.


Glycerin is great for the skin because it acts as a humectant, which is a substance that allows the skin to retain moisture. It can increase skin hydration, relieve dryness, and refresh the skin's surface. It's also an emollient, which means it can soften skin.

Sodium hydroxide/lye

Sodium hydroxide is a pH balancer used in a wide range of beauty and skin care items, like cleansers, soaps, makeup, and creams or lotions


Jojoba Oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help to tame chaffing and chapping, reduce redness caused by drying, ease the effects of eczema and rosacea, and keep skin calm and comfortable. The Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins in the Jojoba Oil help in skin repair and damage control.

Argan oil

Argan oil falls in the middle of the spectrum—it's not too heavy, not too light—making it perfect to use on all skin types. It's packed with omega fatty acids, vitamin E, and linoleic acids, all of which work to lightly moisturize your skin, soften dry patches, and even reduce acne.


Glycerin is great for the skin because it acts as a humectant, which is a substance that allows the skin to retain moisture. It can increase skin hydration, relieve dryness, and refresh the skin's surface. It's also an emollient, which means it can soften skin.

Sodium hydroxide/lye

Sodium hydroxide is a pH balancer used in a wide range of beauty and skin care items, like cleansers, soaps, makeup, and creams or lotions

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